- Adhesive drop has to be liquid.
If you notice that it's too dense or viscous, then you should have another drop.
- Use an average amount of glue for one lash.
If you take too little, the glue will polymerize before you extend. If you take too much, it'll cause stickies and dirty work.
- Work focusing on the setting time that the glue manufacturer states.
- Prepare lashes before the procedure.
Use a primer and a remover. It'll prolong the wearing time and help the adhesive to hold.
- Use a humidifier to speed up the polymerisation time.
BUT! If you work in a warm and humid room and use too much glue or can't keep up with its setting time, then your humidifier will only make it worse.
- To slow down the polymerisation you should work in a cool room.
The ideal temperature is 21-22 Celsius degrees. Or use glue with a slower setting time.